Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day at the park

So we had a pretty nice day last week. It was almost 50 degrees! We took the kids to the park and they had such a great time. It has been a long winter for all of us. I love this park because it doesn't have any bark or sand to dig out of the kids shoes the whole time we are there. I am looking forward to warmer weather!


Jenny C said...

Looks like a fun park. Can't wait to go!

Tricia said...

Is this the park you took Bailey too a long time ago? Looks fun! If you go a lot this summer, you can take B along to help with the munchkins :)!

Jill Wright said...

Those boys are growing up! Too bad we can't get all the crazy cousins together more. Grayson is getting so big.

wej said...

they are darn cute!Of Eagles